
Hi Guys,

In the recent posts list some items are marked "updated" in red ...


Not wanting to miss anything I click on each of these items but cannot find anything new or different.  Am I missing something?


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The red "updated" will appear if someone edits an exisitng blog or forum post or if the site admin wishes to bump pages to bring them to the "top of the pile", like in the case of the Newsletters, MRH wants them to be visible to visitors who have not read them yet. 

That's my take on it anyway.

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When it's a "core" page, it's us

When it's an update to "core pages" produced by MRH, it's us and often the updates are something you can ignore. Unfortunately or fortunately (depending on your viewpoint), our system notes *all* site updates.

The specific changes you show in your screen capture image we updated the category for the newsletter so it shows up nicely in an RSS feed:


If you know anything about RSS, this will enable you to "subscribe" to our hobby news and get it automatically sent to you without you needing to do anything.

Often this is the kind of change we're making - some sort of "care and feeding" change that doesn't affect the content. There's no easy way to "hide" these changes - you should more or less ignore these sort of updated or new messages on core pages unless we bring the changes to your attention with some kind of explicit note.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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red updated

Now I understand it I know I'm not missing anything.    Thanks Guys.

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