Michael Petersen petersenm

The 20% off sale on all Fast Clocks ends today.  If you've been putting off getting a fast clock for your layout, this would be the perfect time (pun intended...  sorry) to make that investment.


What are Networked Fast Clocks?

Fast clocks have been used for many years on model railroads to help compensate for the inherent compression of the real world into our model worlds.  Networked Fast Clocks expand upon that, allowing multiple clock displays to be synchronized with the exact scale time.  These systems consist of a single master unit and multiple secondary displays placed strategically around the layout.  The master unit is used to configure the time and communicates that time information to the secondary displays.

Why Do I Care?

Why might you want networked fast clocks?

  • Do you need multiple time displays?
  • Is there no one location in the layout room where a clock can be seen by everyone?
  • Do you have a separate dispatcher's desk where the current layout time is needed?
  • Does your DCC system not provide a fast clock function?
  • Do you want a fast clock independent from your DCC system? 
  • Do you want to synchronize effects on the model railroad (such as ambient or building lighting) to the fast time?

If the answer to any of those questions if "yes", a networked fast clock system may be the answer.

How Do They Work?


If you've been thinking about taking your operations to that next level, take a look and consider adding a fast clock system to your layout.  Remember...  the 20% off sale ends today!

Modeling the BJRY in Le Mars, IA
Co-owner of Iowa Scaled Engineering


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