Bill Brillinger

When you link to a Youtube video from MRH, the forum software automatically tried to embed the video so it can be watched directly in the post.  This is great except it does it wrong and many users browsing the forums with tools other than a Desktop PC or Laptop cannot see the video, they just see part of the link.

The bad video post looks like this:



Here are the steps you can take to fix your video when you see that it is wrong:

This works using the firefox browser, other browsers may not work this way.
If you cannot copy the embed code from the video itself, follow the instructions for getting the code from the youtube website posted here.

Step 1: Right click the video and choose "Copy embed code"



Step 2: Edit your post



Step 3: Highlight and delete the Youtube Link



Step 4: Click the Embed Media button - it looks like a Filmstrip.



Step 5: Press ctrl+v to paste the code into the text area



Step 6: Click OK and Your video should appear in your postep%20(6).jpg 


Step 7: Save your post


Your video should now be in your post in a format that everyone can see.


Bill Brillinger

Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, Admin for the RailPro User Group, and owner of Precision Design Co.

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Bill Brillinger

Refresher Course

I noticed that there are a lot of videos posted this week that are not mobile friendly.

I'm bumping this topic up to remind people how to properly post video on the MRH forum.

Bill Brillinger

Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, Admin for the RailPro User Group, and owner of Precision Design Co.

Reply 0