Our train club is trying to use Facebook to do virtual railroad operations. I'm wondering if anyone has tried this or is using a different method.  

Since the members of our club live a long distance from each other, we thought this might be a way to do get together one night a week to do some ops. 

What we did was create a secret facebook group,  as only members of club will see the posts.  We then posted pictures the industries on our layout and what products or raw materials they might use.  Members could post short videos and pictures of their trains and layout during the specific ops session. 

Here is where its get's difficult, and I think I have a solution but I want to hear your thoughts.   For example,  Member A needs a hopper of sand for his concrete plant, the industry contacts the railroad by posting on the facebook group.  

Member B  the member with the railroad delivering the sand ,will put together train orders and post it.  The first time we tried it there was too many comments in the post to follow along. So I think after member B posts the train orders, both members will utilize facebook messenger as the way to communicate during the ops session. 

Any suggestions?? 



George Flanagan

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