David Calhoun

Tropicana Warehouse is open for business! Just completed an N Scale building for my brother,  John Calhoun with a few small details added. A "plain Jane" transfer building needed a few of my special adjustments to make it a bit better than the original kit form - -

1. Added some Tropicana and other decals.
2. Put numbers and letters on the dock doors for the railroad side and the truck side.
3. Added some bumping posts to the truck dock.
4. A few roof details and a caged ladder access were added.
5. Added a traffic warning sign.
6. Added a few figures to give it life.

Most of this came from my scrap bin except the Tropicana decals and the figures. Oh, yes, I included a couple of cars that I got at a huge discount from a local train store because they don't model Southern Railway in this area.

Not bad for a couple days work and some painting and weathering with my alcohol/India ink wash formula.

13_29_28.jpg 13_30_00.jpg 13_30_31.jpg 13_31_21.jpg 

13_32_27.jpg 13_32_13.jpg 

13_30_47.jpg 13_33_46.jpg 


Chief Operating Officer

The Greater Nickel Plate

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Looks good

Need to dig through my scrap box.

Looks good!


Modeling Missouri Pacific Railroad's Central Division, Fort Smith, Arkansas



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