Decided to lay some track. 

Began the rehab of the dock area. 

Hopefully this will lend itself to some interesting switching.

The WYE with two stub ends will be a ferry dock.  (Have the craftsman kit). 

The section next to the wye with the re-railer will be my DCC programming track. It will be isolated from the rest of the track (cut the track and CA glued in some bits of styrene to ensure no contact). 

Here it is on the workbench (was going to post this in "What's on your workbench Feb 2015" but when I tried to open that thread I was redirected back to the log in screen???  Oh well. 


Seems you have to right click and open in new window to see full size of the image.  Should have downsized the images.  



And here it is on the layout - not permanent as I have not added any feeder wires yet, nor done any work with the roadbed.  ork-0005.jpg 


aka Fort Kent Dad or FKD for short

Alberta, Canada

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Michael Whiteman

With a little

imagination you could make this into something pretty cool.  What do you plan to use for an engine?

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