Dave Haehn

I have been reading the different methods that everyone has been using to weather wood.

I have been using one of two methods for 40 or more years.

The first is to take a bottle of white vinegar and some fine steel wool.  Get a large jar and  insert the steel wool.

Cover it with the vinegar, and set it aside for about 2 weeks.  the Vinegar will eat the steel wool, as it has an acidic base. Then strain the mixture into another jar for storage.  Sand the wood slightly and apply the mixture to the wood. ( a little trick)  Place the wood on a piece of glass as it will stick to it, while it dries  and prevents  it from warping.

The second method is Black  and brown  ( India Ink ) or  ( Black and Brown Shoe Dye )  Mix with Alcohol and test the mixture  until you get to a desired color that you want. Mix up a bottle of both colors.  When applying I would start with the black solution , then the brown for overtones.

Staining you wood before building will also help with the overall look.  Glue tend to seep into the wood when building before staining, and thus will not take the color leaving you with a sore apot on the model.

Dave H

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