
Just another box of train set junk here. Usually not much to see here- clunky boxcars, old track, etc. Nothing work keeping, right? 

Wrong! Before you turn away any free or cheap train stuff, stop and consider the possibilities.  http://joshuadewolfe.wordpress.com/2014/08/16/idea-1-find-the-free-stuff-mr-bg/

(This blog is the first in a series: "Low (or No) Cost Ways to Enjoy Your Hobby" )

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Good stuff!

At the VERY least, I see a wood sided reefer and a couple hoppers.  That reefer can make a decent wood sided box car with a scratch built door and door tracks, or be repainted and weathered into a decent reefer.  The hoppers can be used with new trucks & couplers, or shortened into two-bay models.  You could even use two to make a high-sided coke or wood chip hopper, as some railroads did.  and of course, that F-unit can be turned into something decent with just a little work - I've done a few of those.

I love getting boxes of trains like this.  There's always something I can use out of them.

Ken Rickman

Danville & Western HO modeler and web historian


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Michael Tondee

Finding free stuff....

is kind of hard around here. I live out in the country and there are no hobby shops  and not many yard sales to speak of. Never get to train shows either.   Right now I need an old 40 foot wood boxcar to make a shed out of but I've come up empty locally. Haven't found the first bit of train stuff actually.


Michael, A.R.S. W4HIJ

 Model Rail, electronics experimenter and "mad scientist" for over 50 years.

Member of  "The Amigos" and staunch disciple of the "Wizard of Monterey"

My Pike: The Blackwater Island Logging&Mining Co.

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That smelly gas burning motorcar could be put at the back of the layout, or under a tarp.  I have a few cheap motorcars that will be under canvas, or behind a showroom window, or on a lift--somewhere that it can be seen, but not really examined.

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