Michael Whiteman

I have been considering making trolley poles from round carbon fiber stock.  Has anyone had experience drilling .030 or smaller holes in this material?  Tell me the bad news before I buy something else to throw away.  Thanks in advance.

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Dear Mike, A quick google

Dear Mike,

A quick google suggests HSS drills, a light touch, and fast RPM is a working technique.
(NB that HSS drill bits handle off-centre forces and similar which will snap a carbon carbide "miniature drillbit" in a flash...)





Hope this helps...

Happy Modelling,
Aim to Improve,
Prof Klyzlr

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I'm all ears, Michael. That's

I'm all ears, Michael. That's a new approach and material as far I know. How would you go about securing the backbone and span wires to the poles? With CA? Prof, what's are the H and S's in HSS? I think I have an inkling but am not sure. Thanks.
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Dear Paul, HSS = "High

Dear Paul,

HSS = "High Speed Steel"

Happy Modelling,
Aim to Improve,
Prof Klyzlr

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Michael Whiteman

Google.....what don't they know?

Thanks Professor.  I was in the R/C airplane area Paul, and saw this material.  Very rigid and next to impossible to snap.  Brass tubing might be a good/better alternative.  Wood and steel are definitely not a good choice for me.  ACC should secure the span wire when it's wrapped around the pole.  We'll see if I can drill it first.

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Thanks, Prof

I guessed right on "high" and "speed", but not "steel."
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If this works, it could be the biggest advancement in traction modeling since under-floor power trucks. Imagine something that could actually bear up to enough tension for the overhead to stay straightened.
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CF Safety

Michael You want to be very careful of CF dust and fibers. You don't want to contaminate your shop with this stuff, very nasty to your respiratory system, think high tech black lung disease. Jeff Fry
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