glen spagnolo

Hi Everybody!!

I read with interest the article on reading MRH on a $139 tablet. I have experienced a small problem. I have a Nook HD+ 9" tablet I received for Father's Day/Birthday. When I tried to download the current issue I was informed I needed Flash Player, which is not supported on my Nook's operating system. I can read the current issue in my browser if I just click on the correct button. My question is this: how can I get all the back issues for my little Nook?

Now for some other information:

I have downloaded all 52 issues to my current desktop computer...can I just move them to my Nook? The format is in landscape, which is OK for the Nook. I can read .pdf and .docx files with no problem as I already have great apps to do so. I can also zoom with a pinch or double-touch.

Well, it looks like just a simple drag & drop operation may be the solution to my problem...


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Without flash.

I use the mini iPad. Can't use Flash enabled versions either, however there are non Flash version for tablets further down in the page. Those work just fine and the embedded links to the vendors work too. Den


     Dennis Austin located in NW Louisiana


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