
After seeing the un-weathered car pass by in the Extra east video I got to work and weathered some more cars. Here are before and after pictures of one of them.

7_120811.jpg         7_135355.jpg 

The cars sure look better now. I just dusted them with chalks.

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Not Bad!

You're right, that helps a lot.

Rob Spangler MRH Blog

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Joe Brugger

Nice work

Nice work. Just taking the shine off makes such a big difference. An easy way to "batch weather" cars for the fleet is to fog a bit of "dark dirt" (your choice) over the bottom of the car -- after popping out the wheelsets -- and then fogging a thinned mixture of "light dirt" over the upper surfaces to slightly fade the paint.  It's not the rust dripping from rivets detail some go for, but it makes a string of cars much more credible.

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