
Bluehost is down again. Went down for several hours in November, again in December, now again in February (today).

This means all MRH ad links and TrainMasters TV are offline, although because of Cloud Edge technology, TrainMasters TV does sort of work using a replicated copy of the main site.

Bluehost is now on the list to be replaced as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience while we work with Bluehost to get things back online.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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I noticed the MRH banner disappear and immediately checked my site because I know we both use BlueHost. To my surprise my site is up and shows it has been all along. Whatever the problem is at BlueHost it must not be system wide. I know there was a huge bot attack on WP sites this week that caused havoc with hosting services but WP forums indicate the surge is over. 1and1 and GoDaddy both temporarily shut down admin logins to fend off the attack. Maybe BlueHost is dealing with the same aftermath.


All the details:        Just the highlights:  MRH blog

When I was a kid... no wait, I still do that. HO, 28x32, double deck, 1969, RailPro

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Back now

It's back now and was not site wide. We use a virtual private server for ad serving and for TrainMasters, but apparently the server had gone sideways.

Not a happy camper here with Bluehost at this point. Looking at alternatives, for sure.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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it's not the host

it is the server. A virtual private server is a shared environment and if you have a jerk or two doing things that they should not do, it will effect your site as well. A VPS shares the network card (modem) and the CPU, so if a jerk is running a massive task that over clocks the CPU, your site will be crawling.

am I the only N Scale Pacific Electric Freight modeler in the world? 

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