
here's the final installment of my building flat kitbash project.

Once the sections were all painted, I glued all the sections side by side using pieces of leftover sprues as bracing. I installed window panes behind all the windows using clear plastic cur from packaging recycled from Christmas presents. Almost everything you buy comes with free clear plastic these days. I use testors model cement to attach the glazing. Then I cover the glazing with paper to represent either curtains etc or just black paper to represent a dark interior. I use white glue to attach the paper.  In this photo I am using a piece of plain old printer paper which I corrugated using a Fiskars paper corrugater. It's hard to tell from the pictures but in real life the corrugated paper looks a lot like hanging draperies when viewed through the window.


 If your wife is into scrapbooking or making greeting cards, you should buy her one of these corrugaters.




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here's the corrugator

here's the corrugator


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and the final pics



the hotel on the far right will eventually get a detailed interior photo on the ground floor and some signage on the outside


the ivy is made by making a trail of white glue and sprinkling on some course ground foam

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I'd also like to add a few

I'd also like to add a few more deatails add a later date. particulary, a couple fire escapes and drainpipes and some grafitti

right now the flats are just leaning against the wall but I will most likely attach them with some of that blue stuff that's supposed to be for hanging posters - what is that stuff called anyway?


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blu tack  

blu tack


One day I might be modeling the Puffing Billy Railway, Victoria, Australia.

My location - Queensland, Australia.

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