
Its that time again, when I get a few daze off from that thing we call work! I call it slavery! Finally passed the inventory, finally passed the summer, yes, its that short, slow time between September and Christmas season, which starts officially on January 1st, (as far as the boss is concerned!),

Time once again to concetrate on actually getting this place put back together after the flood in May, finally have some time to do some of this work, the rain has stopped for the time being, (til the weekend possibly!), and the weather has cooled a little bit, right now my TWC page is showing 51 degrees in Brooksville, FL, which is a few miles from where I sit.

Time to get started on some chores in the train room, since the layout has sat most of the summer, and theres plenty of dust and dirt to be picked up, a bird built her nest right where I keep my track work supplies, and the local insects are just not being nice.

Through this summer however, I have managed to run trains, been working on parts of the layout, mainly rolling stock and buildings, I have also run trains on my layout, as well as when Dana is in town, (and not galavantin' all over God's green earth instead of running his business), I do still run the occasional train on the club layout at the store, sometime back in September, (or maybe August), I ran my Prospector, pix.

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