
Hello All,

I am hoping someone out there may be able and willing to help me. I am looking for a circuit diagram for a revering circuit to control an incline rail setup, I want both the run time and dwell time at both ends variable, or if posible sensors at the top and bottom to trigger the reverse cycle. My electronic skills are limited to medium.

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Analog or DCC?

Dear Pete,

Analog or DCC? Options are available for both.

Will the switchback be a standalone route with dedicated trains, or will trains be expected to navigate the switchback, and then "continue on their way" out to the rest of the layout?

Will the trains be simply "auto shuttling" up and down the switchback, or will there be a need/want to also be able to manually drive the switchback route?

Happy Modelling,
Aim to Improve,
Prof Klyzlr

PS just so we're all on the same page, the OP Title mentioned "reversing loop", but the OP itself only mentions "switchback". Can we please confirm which we're dealing-with?

PPS a trackplan or even basic track diagram and desired op sequence would help...

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