
I can't make the search function work today. No luck on 2 different systems IE10 & IE11 Windows 7 64 bit.


The Breitenbach - Rosenheim Railroad V4

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Known issue...

Dear Michael,

Known issue highlighted by Ken R and Dr Geoff Bunza in recent threads over the last month.
Joe is aware, unsure of ETA for resolution. Suggested workaround is to use Google, and add


at the end of the search string
(This forces google to look for the search terms in question,
only in websites which include the perscribed URL string)

EG firing the following at google

what is search inurl:model-railroad-hobbyist

returned a link to these posts on the MRH forum...


Happy Modelling,
Aim to Improve,
Prof Klyzlr

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Sorry, I had no idea.

Sorry, I had no idea.

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No problem...

Dear Michael,

No problem, things like "Search" boxes tend to not get a whole lotta love until the moment when you actually need them to work...

(...am working thru a set of similar issues with a kitbash of an "Edit-Suite> into a live-production system" mission as we speak...)

Happy Modelling,
Aim to Improve,
Prof Klyzlr

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Michael, I have also found

Michael, I have also found that just using mrh: < search string> also works. Less typing.

EG:  mrh: roundhouse

Just remember the space after the colon.  This returns a whole whack of results



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