Michael Tondee

I make no secret of how tight my hobby budget is and I'm trying to start anew  after tearing down my last in progress layout that I wasn't satisfied with. So, I'm recycling turnouts and track and lumber and just about anything else you can think of. I've even been recycling rail joiners to a certain extent but I did have a fairly new opened package with a few missing. Now, I'm not so broke that I couldn't afford  a package of rail joiners but being that I live in a rural area with the nearest hobby shop about a hundred miles away, I would have to order them so I was sweating getting my new plan laid out  without running out of joiners.  Well, as the title says,  I made it with one joiner to spare! How about that? I must be living right.


Michael, A.R.S. W4HIJ

 Model Rail, electronics experimenter and "mad scientist" for over 50 years.

Member of  "The Amigos" and staunch disciple of the "Wizard of Monterey"

My Pike: The Blackwater Island Logging&Mining Co.

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Wait... you had ONE left

Wait... you had ONE left over?


... so you're MISSING one somewhere! 

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!BARR_LO.GIF Freelanced N scale Class I   Digitrax & JMRI

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Dave O

Indeed you must be!

Always like it when things work out in my favor.  

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Made it with one rail joiner to spare!!

If you cut them in half like I do you'd still have over half of your joiners left :> ) Well actually maybe a bit less then half as I usually lose a couple halves  when sawing them, occasionally they flip off the jewelers saw blade for parts unknown.....DaveB

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