After a delay while we were designing a new benchwork system, the Kaslo & Slocan is off and running again. The benchwork is a modification of a system that was first described in the Jan. and Feb. issues of Model Railroader. Yes I know I'm dating myself but the issue called Bookcase Model Railroad has intrigued me ever since I read it. In fact in the early 90's I made several of the modules to validate the system. The design worked except is was very heavy and the shelf brackets available at the time were difficult to install and didn't offer the bracket lengths available today. The latest revision of the design utilizes a number of ideas inspired by the efforts of Iain Rice and Lance Mindheim. The units are built around hollow-core doors and feature threaded inserts to make for screwdriver assembly. Typical modules weigh less than 40 pounds which is well within the load limits of modern shelf systems. As we develop additional modules we'll post them here. Modules use the Woodland Scenics foam roadbed system and feature built in valances and fascias. More to come...
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Magazine dates

The issues of MR were published in 1977
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A Very Nice Start

Beautiful wood work. I like the stained wood and plugs that hide screw heads. From looking at the photos I believe you cut the hollow core door in half length wise. Correct? Then used a thin plywood vertically to connect the two parts and trip the fascias. Excellent idea and execution. I will be looking for more photos as you progress.


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Very nice benchwork!  Love

Very nice benchwork!  Love the stain and plugs and the fact it isn't straight.

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Thanks for the comments. The hollow-core door is cut to the free form Shane and then reinforcing blocks are installed along the cut edge. These blocks allow the fascia to be attached using screws and threaded inserts. We'll be using Bullfrog turnout controls wit the controls recessed on the fascia. The nice thing about the design is that almost all the components can be bought at any big box store and transported in a small car to your construction site.
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