
I found this little gem while going through an old box of HO cars and buildings that have been in storage for 20 years.

Does anyone have an idea as who manufactured this shuffle/back hoe (HO)? It was given to me by Paul Jansen when I was around 17 years old, now 60. 


Rodger Cook - Sherwood, OR


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Rio Grande Dan

I remember them when I was 12-15 years old around then

Not 100% sure but Being close to 60 Myself I remember a group of those little heavy equipment pcs for HO scale in a Tyco Track builder set in the Mid 1960's or something like that? I remember them in a Hobby shop in Southern California and I'm 57 now. There was a flat car Too, that Hoe sat on it and rolled back and forth. But I never owned one I just remember seeing them. Dan

Rio Grande Dan

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This is a kitbash, with a WIKING of Germany backhoe, available from 1961-84, in its final form included with POLA or ModelPower "Building under Demolition" Kit... Link: Hope this helps... Martin Stierlen Korntal, Germany
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