
So here we are, just starting the Second Annual MRH Memorial Day to Labor Day Challenge.  You can find the opening thread here.  SIne I jumped in last year, I decided to do it again this year.  Being a good, government employed process guy, I looked over last year's thread.  Here's what I planned to do then:

  1. Complete all remaining benchwork - this is easier then it sounds, as I have everything all set up modularly, so this is really an installation issue.
  2. Complete and wire all trackwork.
  3. Install remaining Humpyard Purveyance switch throws on  new benchwork segment to use track.
  4. paint fascia and install location sinage.

Funny, but my list this year includes some VERY similar things:

  1. Finish all track work.
  2. Wire all power zones (no booster yet, but I want to get them in).
  3. complete painting and detailing of KCS SD40-2 in iconic white!
  4. Develop and implement and operating scheme.
  5. finish basic weathering and body mount all couplers for freight cars.
  6. begin scenery on the Hwy. 61 crossing and adjacent L&A/KCS/BRS yard.

Not sure what that says, but I think it says I was a slacker for too long.  It also says I have a long summer ahead of me, but I think I can manage.

For those playing along at home, here's the track plan:


The refinery on the right is largely done, and track is actually in place across the mid-section - and it doesn't look like that anymore anyway.  So the track laying piece really pertains to the left side from the top of the curve.  Wiring the power zones is really all about setting up three power blocks so I can isolate shorts and add a booster to my Power Cab DCC system at some point.  And the scenery work would be limited to the middle section as well.

Philip H. Chief Everything Officer Baton Rouge Southern Railroad, Mount Rainier Div.

"You can't just "Field of Dreams" it... not matter how James Earl Jones your voice is..." ~ my wife

My Blog Index

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New Thread

Why the new thread? If this is your personal summer build thread, you should label it as so. If not, perhaps you should delete it, as it only serves to scatter the posts on what should be an interesting thread.

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New Thread

Stoker - Your comment was a little harse don't you think?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Richard - Superintendent CNW Peninsula Div.

blog - https://mrhmag.com/blog/richard_harden

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No, I don't.  I asked a question, and then voiced my opinion on the issue. What exactly do you see that can be construed as "harsh"?

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The post title is a little

The post title is a little confusing.  I clicked thinking something had happened to the original thread as well.


NOOB in progress

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Ken Biles Greyhart

If I'm Not Mistaken...

I remember this thread from last year, and I believe what he's doing, is this year's version. Basically, you publicly state what you would like to get done on your layout between now (Memorial Day) and Labor Day in September. This serves as a way to plan for the next few months, set attainable goals, and it also creates incentive for completing at least some of those goals. After all, no one wants to be that guy who said he was going to complete something, and then didn't.

So, my goals are as follows:

  • I'd like to get stud walls up in the Train Room & the Workshop.
  • I'd like to have power outlets and cable run to all the walls (though getting actual power to those outlets will require replacing the breaker box).
  • Insulate the walls.
  • Drywall up, mudded, & painted.
  • I'd also like to have my test track capable of testing locomotives with at least DC power.

I believe these goals are all attainable, and this year, since I'm not taking a Mediterranean cruise with family for 3 weeks, I'll be taking at least one week of vacation during that time, where I should be able to concentrate on those goals.


 Ken Biles






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Rio Grande Dan

This is not just a post it is a members BLOG

When anyone posts an addition to His/Her Blog it goes where they want it even if it is related to another similar topic.

If you notice the top of the page it says kcsphil1's blog and the only thing wrong is having non Moderators attacking a Blog, as Blogs are not defined as needing to be in any specific place.

If you believe a post is out of line report it to the moderators by using the proper reporting procedure. Attacking a member in any way is a good way to have your accounts closed or suspended. so please use the Report a thread section and not the general forums to attack members when you think they are in the wrong place.

Thank You

Rio Grande Dan

Member of Spam Police

Rio Grande Dan

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This is part of the issue

This is part of the issue with the way MRH treats blog entries, since they are included with posts (assuming one uses the recent posts link to navigate). I did think it was a 2nd thread when I clicked it, but knowing it is his blog, it is perfectly fine. I don't always look at the type of entry.
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Good morning friends!

Come on in, have a seat.  The coffee is fresh, and I hear there will be some Top Pot donuts showing up shortly.

Why this post here?  Simple - Last year when we did this the practice was to initiate on the main thread, and then post our updates on our own blogs with links back to the main thread.  Seems we save space that way.  So I figured we'd do it the same way again.

I picked the title to allude to the fact that this was the second time we were doing this here at MRH.  Sorry for any confusion.

Philip H. Chief Everything Officer Baton Rouge Southern Railroad, Mount Rainier Div.

"You can't just "Field of Dreams" it... not matter how James Earl Jones your voice is..." ~ my wife

My Blog Index

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Save the drama for the

Save the drama for the office, boys. Let's focus on Model Railroading.

Phil, what were you able to get done?

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Neil Erickson NeilEr


You've got me thinking. What could I get done between Memorial Day and Labor Day? Hmm. Good one. Roughly 14 weeks. Maybe 4' of roadbed or track in a week or about 28 feet framed and layed, ballasted but not wired. Not many switches - say an average of two a week. I would have to drop car building and structure planning, scenery, and no wiring but might nearly finish the mainline with the exception of the turntable. Some planning might be in order to hav all the materials on hand when needed. Microsoft Project? Crap. This is sounding more like my job! Good luck with that. I'll be watching for your posts. When you need a break, grab a beer and check out my weekly updates. May not be quite as ambitious but a little at a time seems to get thing done. Neil

Neil Erickson, Hawai’i 

My Blogs

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well, there's movement

Part of my summer To Do list involves completing all trackwork.  I've largely been avoiding that, as it's a visual problem, and I'm a walking word processor.  Still progress is progress, and when the new fiddle yard arrived a few weeks ago, I knew I needed to get it properly installed.

"The new yard ARRIVED, you say?"  Yes - like several Maryland/Virginia/Delaware modelers I am good friend with, I was fortunate enough to get a part of Lee Weldon's now dismantled Western Maryland Lines ( http://wmrywesternlines.blogspot.com/2013/02/beginning-of-end-and-new-beginning.html).  So now, the work involves connecting it to my existing layout . . .

This is the back end of Elkins in its current orientation.  Note the wooden filing cabinet in the photo - it could move 3 or 4 more inches away from the wall, but no more then that.

Next, the enginhouse end.  The overpass is coming off - it doesn't fit my prototype, and I don't need the control panel for the tortoises I don't have installed.

The corner - this is where Lee's Elkins yard needs to connect to my existing layout.  The walls delineate the area between my train room and the downstairs bathroom - there's clawfoot tub on the other side of that wall.

Aerial of the connection area, showing the switching lead to the refinery and the mainline running at the bottom left of the photo.

Further up the main

http://www.trainboard.com/grapevine/attachment.php?attachmentid=56660&d=1376396492"style="width: 640px; height: 480px;" />
And finally, the Refinery and main, with the connection to the L&A/KCS/BRS yard running off lower left

So, there you have it.  I am considering flipping Elkins 180 degrees to put the grey ballasted yard leads on the outside, but that would mean adding a new switch to the current yard throat since the switch to get into the yard tracks is right at the front.  I am not necessarily wedded to anything in my refinery/main track connection, but obviously the more scenery I have to pry loose, the more work it will take.

So, tonight I'll be playing with track, and cardboard templates.  Suggestions welcomed.  Have at it.

Philip H. Chief Everything Officer Baton Rouge Southern Railroad, Mount Rainier Div.

"You can't just "Field of Dreams" it... not matter how James Earl Jones your voice is..." ~ my wife

My Blog Index

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