Hunter Hughson

I've been building a pair of CP SW1200RS units.  The bodies are painted, and I've embarked upon the work of converting the sideframes on a P2K switcher drive. 

Depending on the approach taken, this part of the project has the potential to be an Achilles' heal to the entire project.  In the course of the discussion on my blog about this project, a reader suggested that there are probably at least a few people out there working on Sweeps and SW1200RS units.  He also suggested that, because both projects require a switcher drive with flexicoil sideframes, it might be useful for the modelling community to gather their knowledge and experience in one place.

To that end, I'm posting here on MRH to invite anyone who has done this kind of conversion, or has built a model of an SW1200RS or Sweep to share their experience on a dedicated page of the Ontario In HO Scale blog.  It will be interesting to see what we can gather.


- Hunter

The Niagara Branch

Ontario in HO Scale




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