I acquired an Athearn F45 loco today from the LHS used for a great price, with one issue. The front wheels spin freely. I look the top off and the drive shaft is in good condition. Leads me to believe that the problem is with the gears in the truck. I have no experiences opening one of these to check for broken gears. I have looked for a tear down how to and to no avail. Any ideas or suggestions from the community? Here is the model
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Athearn truck

If its just like any other Athearn truck, you can gently work the side frames off. I use a dull Xacto knife with a #5 blade. Then the bottom of the truck is clipped on. Again use the Xacto knife and pop off the bottom.

Hope this helps

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You tube

I looked all over for plans on the engine and found none. Did a quick you tube search on Athearn power trucks and found 30 + videos on how to take apart to clean. After taking apart mine, I found the cap that holds the worm gear down was loose. A quick snap back into place and there is no more grinding noise and we have all wheel drive again.
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Dear Gabe,

Sometimes it is just that simple

Well spotted!

Happy Modelling,
Aim to Improve,
Prof Klyzlr

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