Without being maudlin or macabre, my recently diagnosed medical issues make time an important factor in my model railroading decisions. I enjoy my lone wolf operations, but I would like my shiny new locos -- Bachmann Shay, Climax and Mogul -- to look well-used. I simply don't have the luxury of time to learn new skills like airbrushing and powder weathering. Not seeking to win prizes or appear in magazines. I would just like my locos to look like they had been on the job for a couple of decades on a short line without a wash rack. Can any of you nice folks recommend someone who provides weathering services? Including yourself, if you do. Thanks, all.
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Milt Spanton mspanton

Not what you asked for, but

Not what you asked for, but it isn't real difficult to get at least come "dirt" on a loco.  Here is my Bachmann Shay with a little dust and rust on it. 

Finishing this model it isn't a top priority right now, so I just dusted it up.  It needs to get relettered for Shenango Furnace.  Shenango Furnace Co. used a lone shay in its mining operations at, oddly enough, the Shenango Mine in northern Minnesota.  It was probably long gone by the 1950's, but it lives on in my HO world.

I got some real iron ore and some sand (dirt) from my yard.  I screened them into REALLY fine, and other grades, and I use the fine stuff with the fan brush shown to brush dust on the cab roof, boiler, trucks, etc.  You could use any of the model weathering powders, Bragdon (???), for instance. 

The learning curve is very short. It's pretty simple to do, and one of those "canned air" things cleans off most of anything you want to remove if you don't like it.


- Milt
The Duluth MISSABE and Iron Range Railway in the 50's - 1:87

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Maybe. . .

Will the Bragdon powders cling to Bachmann's semi-gloss loco finish? I would not have to paint the engine first? Thanks.
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Mike C

Bragdon Powders

I have used them on my Bachmann N scale locos. Just use a stiff brush, and they will stick fine. this stuff is really easy to use.....Mike

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