I'm renewing my love for Model Railroading after a 40 year sabbatical. What I am finding that as I get back into it there is an ever growing of tools, ain't s, brushes, screws, nails, rail spikes and joiners, and there is the vast collection of trains entailing parts etc. I'm struggling in getting organized and find places to put everything. What are other modellers doing to get control? Show me what you have done. Thanks. Marty
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What I did

I'm using an old oak desk as my workbench, and I built a pegboard surround for it.


I used some cheap silverware organizers to make project boxes (they're styrene, easy to glue together), which I stacked on peg hooks so that they're individually accessible:


As you can see, I also use a collection of cheap plastic drawers on top of the workbench to organize paint, parts, plastic and metal, and some tools.

Ken Rickman

Danville & Western HO modeler and web historian


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La RueD

Hey Marty, ...

If I may humbly suggest, you have a plethora of information at your fingertips right here in the MRH archives just by using the search tool in the upper right hand corner above.

A quick search yielded this related article (remember to vary your search parameters):


and there are several others.

Best wishes, ...


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