
Hooksett Lions Club 18th Annual, April 21st Train Show is now history and WOW, Event was PACKED, with a dozen operating layouts, lots of rr exhibits, host of dealers, interesting clinics & crowds of folks!  This partly due to fact that Bedford Boomers Club Annual Train Show last November was their LAST EVER [members all seniors; they decided to call it quits on labor-intensive shows].  NEXT BIG Annual show here in the Granite State is: Concord HO Model RR Club 19th Annual Show on Sunday, August 18th at Everett Arena, Loudon Road, Concord, NH, just east of I-93 Exit 14, across river, on left.   Bookmark it's now the ONLY OTHER BIG NH SHOW. Attendance will be higher, to satisfy annual yen of our many diehard area modelers. TTFN .....Old Tom aka papasmurf in NH 

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