I recently ordered a laser cut kit from B.T.S.,but not sure what all supplies I will need to complete kit.. I have only built plastic kits up to this point. Kit is HO. It is a small. Coal town house. Thank you
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Tools and supplies


i would recommend two forums to help you get started on your first wood kit. and

Just read a few build threads and it will help you figure out the tools and supplies you need.

Good luck!




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The main thing you will need

The main thing you will need is a good wood glue, I use Northeastern Flamingo glue other then that if you have done plastic kits you should have what you need. You can use the plastic paints but use primer first and BTS should have painting instructions in the kit also.    rich                                                                                                                     

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 in addition to your plastic kit building stuff you might need a small ultra fine saw (like a Zona) , and a cheap item I find useful is those little sanding sticks that ladies use for their finger nails. I have exacto knives but I find I often use a single edged razor blade instead. and perhaps a set of tiny drills for installing details? size 61-80 is a common set. I think most of us build up our tool collection over the years as we tackle new projects and find we need another tool so once you start on the kit you'll find out what you need  ....Dave

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