
As I go about refining my layout plan and actually constructing it, I've come to realize there is another skill set that is needed, Project Management. I only get 1-2 hours per week to actually work on my layout. I've found during the down times at work when I'm not doing anything else, I'm thinking about building my layout. I go over every detail in my head. Stepping through each sub assembly to make sure I haven't missed anything. What has to be assembled in which order. What materials will I need to have on hand. I've taken to keeping a bunch of graph paper in the back of my log book to take notes whenever I need. Pretty soon I'm going to start keeping a GANTT chart to keep it all straight.

Well, at least focusing my mind on this keeps me from thinking other unproductive ideas.

Doug Maddox

Somewhere along the Bethlehem Branch


Doug Maddox

Reading Company Along the Bethlehem Branch


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