
Just finished up the third steamer with radio control. Using voltage from the track to power both the receiver and the motor I can control all three with one transmitter or individually  with 3 transmitters.

The engine on the right was the first to be converted to a 6 volt motor. The receiver works on 3-6 volts. This one needs the board redone so all components will fit inside the tender shell. The one on the left I added a plug so I won't have to un-solder the wires if I need to remove the board.

This method of control is great for the Lone Wolf operator, especially in steam since you'll only need one engine anyway. The other neat thing is I can run these engines on AC, DC, or DCC powered rails. There's an onboard bridge rectifier and a voltage regulator to provide 5 volts DC to both receiver and motor. These engine run real smooth. I need to build a small oval and take some video shots. That'll be next. 


New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds - NCSWIC

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Neat--and useful

I like this idea, since it will run on non-DCC layouts, allowing multi-train opperation --as long as the other loco is running.  Have you considered adding some sort of on-board power reserve?

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On Board Power

Or batteries. There are modelers on the Freerail Fourm that are solely using battery power. As a matter of fact there is a bunch of guys out there that call themselves "The Dead Rail Society". They are dead set against any kind of wire being strung under their layout.

These three steam engines would work using a LiPo battery pack. I'm not much in favor of using batteries.


New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds - NCSWIC

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