
This was posted over on the JMRI Users forum.  Do not think Gene Moser posts here. 

" I realize this is really off purpose, but maybe somebody can help.

A lady with whom I go to church told me today that her husband's father's brass
collection was recently stolen. Apparently the thief took individual pieces to
pawn shops in the Tidewater, Virginia area. If you happen to go to a pawn shop
in this area in the near future, please check. Based on the one I saw, the man
was a collector, not a railroader. It was exactly like the day he bought it:
unpainted, weight not added, extra screws still in pack, etc. According to his
daughter-in-law, he had multi-railroad locomotives plus brass rolling stock.
Apparently he preferred Sunset.
Gene Moser   "
Marc Fournier, Quebec
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Rio Grande Dan

As I live in Virginia and do

As I live in Virginia and do hit the pawn shops all over the state looking for deals. I will keep and Eye out for your sunset models. If I see any I'll notify the police right away I Detest Crooks and love to see them behind bars!!


Rio Grande Dan

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