
Here's a link to what just got put together this week on another forum.

This sounds to me very like the first stage of Benny's proposal.

Of course, batteries not included.


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Folks, that's a DCC system for under $150...but that's without the throttle, of course!!!

The wifi-dongle, now that's a slick little tool!!


Benny's Index or Somewhere Chasing Rabbits

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Looks Good

This looks good and will allow the replacement of a laptop on my layout (Desktop will stay).

Anyone know if this will work with Digitrax  PR3 as the interphase?


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Kevin Rowbotham

Very Nice!

I just wish I would have thought of using the Pi as a JMRI server before I bought a PR-3.  As I under stand it, (and I have not tried it yet) the PR-3 needs drivers and DIgitrax supports Windows with their drivers. How about everybody sending Digitrax an email asking for UNIX drivers for the PR-3?


Appreciating Modeling In All Scales but majoring in HO!

Not everybody likes me, luckily not everybody matters.

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A case

for the Pi if you want to put it into something nice.


New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds - NCSWIC

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The Rasberry Pi is an interesting device, to say the least...

Now, looking at the first two iterations, it is easy to see that this is only just beginning...

One of the issues with this DCC setup is that it takes about 90 seconds for the system to boot up and be ready, mainly due to the time it takes to load JMRI.  Now, we could slim down JMRI...or...we could ask ourselves the question, what might happen if we bumped the up the specs on this device...

And then we ask, how soon will it be before the Raspberry Pi is, well...on Steroids? I'm thinking something in the ballpark of a 2.0-3.0GHz processor with 1-4 Gb of DDR2 ram...

Anybody else feel like they're watching a corn kernal in a popcorn popper?  


Benny's Index or Somewhere Chasing Rabbits

Reply 0

Very Nice


Asked your question about the PR3 and the Pi on the Diditrax Group and got a response to the JMRI Group

The answer is YES you can use the PR3 and connect to the Pi it looks like we did not waste $$$

Hope this helps


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