Ian Millard liverpool_range

Hi Joe,

I have just started reading the January issue on-line and came across the 2013 Reader Survey link.

I clicked the link and started the survey.  By the time I finished it, I was a bit disappointed in that I couldn't add comments to most of the questions, and generally with the available responses to questions.

I also found the survey very "American based".

Surely you must realise that with MRH being web based, you are attracting a modelling audience worldwide and not just in the United States.

There were numerous questions that just didn't relate to what I am doing at all :

  • era - US based
  • prototype - I ticked Australian, but I specifically model the New South Wales Railways (NSWR).  If I modelled UK protoypes, all I would have been able to tick was "Europe".  That's pretty broad!!
  • there was a question as to whether I would buy any moblie devices in the next 12 months.  Why wasn't there an option called "None".  Why assume that everyone will purchase something?
  • the question about what magazines I read on a regular basis. Again, very US oriented.  I know it would be difficult to list ALL railway magazines throughout the world, but there are at least two major ones here in Australia, and what about the British magazines?

I can understand what you are wishing to achieve by these surveys, but with a bit more open-minded approach to the hobby worldwide, you and the MRH readers, may get a bit more of an idea what type of modellers are out there and what they are doing in the hobby.


Ian Millard




Ian Millard

Port Macquarie, NSW, Australia


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Brian Clogg


I kinda agree but I added comments under other on the next page. I get lots of mags that wearn't in the list but added them as a comment

Brian Clogg

British Columbia Railway

Squamish Subdivision


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David Husman dave1905


Most of the questions had an "other" option (or at least did by the time I took the survey this morning.  That's the one I used for the "none" in the case of buying new devices and other exceptions from the answers.

I noticed the pages were slower to load in the new format, of course that may just be that I normally read the magazine on pdf and I took the survey while viewing on line.

Dave Husman

Visit my website :  https://wnbranch.com/

Blog index:  Dave Husman Blog Index

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Each survey we find things we want to change

Each survey we find things we want to change, but once the survey is released it's locked so we just need to make a note for next time.

As to the US-centric nature of the survey, yes, we admit we are a North-America biased publication as to content focus, in case you haven't noticed already. Our assumption (for better or for worse) is most of our readers read us because they're mostly interested in North American railroading. It's not that other railroading is bad, it's just that's our primary focus.

We can certainly make more accommodations for other options and allow more for comments so anyone who's outside our area of focus can still provide their comments to us.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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David Husman dave1905


MRH European edition? 

Dave Husman

Visit my website :  https://wnbranch.com/

Blog index:  Dave Husman Blog Index

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David Husman dave1905

Minor request

Minor, minor complaint.  Could you decide on a file name standard and stick with it.  When I download MRH and save the pdf copy you change the file name format every couple years so the issues aren't in order in the directory unless I rename them and I hate to do that because that could break some other link that searches for the published file name.




Dave Husman

Visit my website :  https://wnbranch.com/

Blog index:  Dave Husman Blog Index

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Worldwide Model Railway Hobbyist?

The Brits (specifically PECO Publications) put out a dead tree publication called "Continental Modeller". That's actually a misnomer since you can find articles on modelling railways just about anywhere in the world, although most articles are either about modelling railways of Continental Europe or those of the US. The current issue http://www.pecopublications.co.uk/Continental-Modeller-January-2013.html  covers topics from Sweden to Australia.

At least one American I know of, Blair Kooistra, is modelling New South Wales Government Railways of the late 1970's.  http://northofnarrabri.blogspot.com/ . There's an active organization of Continental European enthusiasts in the US, the European Train Enthusiasts, http://www.ete.org/ and there's an organization for modellers of British Railways in North America, http://brmna.org/. I've even run into a couple of Kiwi expats online who are dedicated to modeling the railways of New Zealand. New Zealand. More sheep than people and still they have 3 scale/gauge combinations for modeling the 42" gauge railways of New Zealand. Here's one of the reasons why:


As for the Aussie railways, they look both familiar and foreign at the same time.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FebAwcRA-g      

So when can we expect the 1st issue of Worldwide Model Railway Hobbyist (ducking and running)?









and, to crown their disgraceful proceedings and add insult to injury, they threw me over the Niagara Falls, and I got wet.

From Mark Twain's short story "Niagara"

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We'd love some more foreign stuff

We'd love some foreign stuff, especially submissions that takes the slant of being a North American modeler's orientation to non-North American railroading and modeling. I think we could all stand to have our horizons broadened.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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If you are Canadian

If you are Canadian you are used to an "American" bias.  Almost no Americans know this, but most little kiddies go through the trauma of discovering there is no Santa and Easter Bunny, but for the Canadian kid, its also the realization that Americans know "dick" about Canada, nor do they care to.

And Americans rip off history like its their own when it isn't, because its "cool" history so they want to own it.  The move P....something or other about a submarine story in which a German decryption machine was taken is a true story, only its British.  Just came back from a cruise where my American friends asked if I had watch Argo the movie, I said no, it'd only make me angry.

Its kind of like being an N scaler in an HO world.  I don't know how many times I've looked at an MR mag and was miffed because I spent minutes trying to figure out if an advert was HO or what scale.  I've since learned, if you can't find the scale, its HO - they just think that's the entire world.

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to dave1905 much agree. Here's what I use

Yeah I have to change each one!

  • MRH#35 2013-01 Jan'13.pdf

The "MRH" sets it out from other mags and similar files in a PDF sub-directory.

The '"#35" puts it in chrono order for me. 

The month-date "Jan'13" is redunant to "2013-01" but that's OK.  It's easier to pick out a written month when you are rushed or tired.

While we are on the subject of formats, why can't we be the ones decide whether or not to use a double carriage return.  Not every time that I hit  [Enter] am I starting a new paragraph.  Sometimes I'm just wanting to itemize or highlight by using separate lines within the paragraph.

dave1905:  I tried to ask your same question several months ago.  I couldn't find the right portal so I combined it with a challenge to one of the positions frequently taken by the Editors.  I put that under "EDITORIAL POSITION" thinking that "position" meant "of or resembling an editorial, especially in expressing an opinion."  Alas, the computer thought I was asking for a job, a position as an (assistant) editor.  It replied that 'they would look at my stuff but don't hold my breath' or something akin. I don't remember the exact words a/c I was laughing so hard.


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