
I recently emailed the people who run a local model railroad show every March and asked them if they'd be interested in me exhibiting an O scale switching layout at their show.  Today, they emailed back and said, "yes."  Now I'm committed!

This will be my first time exhibiting a layout; I'm excited and nervous at the same time.

I started this layout in my old apartment.  It has sat, unfinished, for the past two years because I don't have space to set it up in my current place.  I'm hoping having to show this layout to the public will be the kick in the butt I need to get it finished.

I plan to operate the layout using a RailDriver miniature locomotive console, along with a SPROG DCC programmer, connected to a Windows laptop running custom software.  I'm hoping that by using the RailDriver instead of a traditional DCC throttle, I can obtain a more realistic, "in the cab" experience.

Lately, I've been tweaking the software and playing around with the decoders (plural: one for the motor and lights, and another for the sound and more lights) that I plan to install in the layout's locomotive.  Then I'll need to paint, detail, and weather the locomotive to match the prototype: Soo Line #4512, an ex-Milwaukee Road GP38-2 (see photo here.  And yes, I plan to include the broom hanging off the side of the loco).  After that, I'll need to weather some rolling stock to go with it.  And then, of course, there's that whole "scenery" thing that needs to be taken care of as well...

I've got less than three months.  I'll keep you posted.



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You Cannot Do Anything Wrong

Remember first one I did, nothing was finished an it took a big effort to get train running around. Look back today and realize the important thing was we did it. Good Luck and have Fun.
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FWIW, Raildriver does not work on 64bit machines ( operating systems..Windows 7) so make sure its running on an older machine. However, If you do decide to run it on a 64bit machine you can program a new jhidrawplugin dll file. -Hint-Hint_LOL.  Spent last night with a "High Profile" user trying to get Raildriver running. The company he works for needs to use Raildriver for a training simulation.  Anyone interested in using Raildriver may contact me  for tips if they like.





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Hi Art,

Thanks for the encouragement.

- Damin.



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re: JMRI RailDriver Throttle

Hi Robteed,

I came across this same video when I was researching JMRI and its RailDriver throttle.  It seems kind of limited: the author of the video states that the automatic and independant brake handles are nonfunctional, and he seems to be controlling the speed directly using the throttle handle instead of treating it like a combined throttle/dynamic brake.

I consider myself to be a pretty good computer programmer, so I downloaded the RailDriver SDK and started developing my own throttle using C++.  Since I'm using a SPROG as my DCC command station, I writing commands to it directly from my application.  The code itself is basically complete.  I'm currently testing it and making the necessary tweaks (mostly in the form of text-based configuration files).  If I have time this weekend, I can record and post a brief video.

Eventually I'd like to port the code to Java and integrate it with JMRI.  But I need to get the exhibition layout finished first.



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Hi Damin,

I'm the author of the video. The JMRI Raildriver software is very primitive. The creator of that software stopped working on it after his laptop was stolen with all of his files. He told me he had no interest in further development. It would be awesome if you do release a new application and hopefully 32bit/64bit. 

Would love to see the video.


Rob Teed

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Raildriver Throttle

Do you  already know about this??


It's the developer's software kit, I think that's the correct term!


Doug Hatman
Model Locomotive
Humble, Texas 77338
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Hi Doug

I will check it out but I'm self taught when it comes to programming. This stuff moves so fast I have a hard time keeping up.LOL.

If you dont mind sharing your source code I could take a look at it, might be able to understand it.


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re: RailDriver SDK

Hi Doug,

Yes, that's the SDK that I'm using.  I used the Visual Studio 6/MFC demo as a reference.  However my version was written using Visual Studio 2005.

I can post the project files when I'm done.  Obviously, the program requires the RailDriver and SPROG devices be connected to the PC in order for the program to do anything.  However, all of the RailDriver-specify code is contained in a class called CRailDriver.  And all of the SPROG-specific code is contained in a class called CSprog.  So you can re-implement (or comment out) the member functions of those classes to create a "sandbox" version of the program.



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getting Show-Ready

Dear Damin,

I understand the idea of runnng the train with the Raildriver controls, but to address wider issues:

- what's the trackplan of the layout?

- do you have suitable "show-ready" staging built in?

- what's the duration (# of days + hours per day) of the show?

- what's the distance from home to/from the show?
(speaks to time required to permit safe/sane/stress-free transit + setup + packdown + get-home-again)

- Are you sorted for accomodation at the show?
(assuming a 2 or 3-day show, too far from home for daily commute)

- do you have a "show crew" in mind?

- do you have a plan to "keep the train moving" during lulls in the crowd
(when you as an exhibitor may become bored),

and/or when you have to address a question from the crowd,
(IE the operator stops switching, the train stops moving, and the crowd gets bored and moves on...

Honestly, much as it pains me to admit it, the average show-goer general public punter has an "train's in visible motion" attention span which can more-often-than-not be measured in only 10's of seconds...)

- will you be integrating hands-off uncoupling (IE the only "job" available to the operator, whether "drafted layout operator" or "drafted passing general-public operator", will be that of combined engineer/brakeman), or will you ne rapidly training and deploying 2-man crews ("engineer" at the Raildriver controls, "brakeman" with manual uncoupling wand/magnet/skewer, working as a team)?

- do you have a "work schedule" that covers all of the major layout-build checkpoints posted somewhere to make sure you "meet the dealine"?

Exhibiting a layout can be a very rewarding and fun experience, and as a promotional vehicle for the chosen scale and hobby-as-a-whole, there's few opportunities more quality/quantity effective.

However, exhibiting a train layout at a general-public show has equal measure of both Marathon, Sprint, and "Survival of the Fittest". Pre-show prep and engineering will pay dividends in ease and speed of reliable setup, and reliable and "stress-free" operation which will therefore breed infectious _Fun_ and smiles in the Operators,
(and thence to the general public viewers, who see the layout operators enjoying the experience, and want to "be part of the obviously positive action").

Can't wait to see how this O scale show layout build progresses!

Happy Modelling,
Aim to Improve,
Prof Klyzlr

PS for a very thorough expose on some of the finer points of show-layout presentation, the following might be of interest.


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re: Getting Show-Ready


- what's the trackplan of the layout?

The trackplan is similar to the classic Timesaver, basically a passing siding with a pair of spurs and a switchback siding coming off of it.


- do you have suitable "show-ready" staging built in?

Not really, I use the mainline as a fiddle track to make up a train that has just "arrived" and remove the railcars after the train has "left."


- what's the duration (# of days + hours per day) of the show?

The registration table is open Friday evening from 4:00pm to 9:00pm.  Since I'll likely be in the hallway outside the main showroom, I'd like to have the layout running during at that time so people coming into register and view it.  The show itself is open to the public on Saturday from 9:00am to 5:00pm, and Sunday from 9:00am to 2:00pm.


- what's the distance from home to/from the show?

It's local (about a 15 minute drive from my apartment).  However, when I've gone to the show in the past (just as a viewer, not a dealer or an exhibitor)  I've stayed at the hotel where it's being held for convenience (and a little pampering).


- do you have a "show crew" in mind?

So far, just me and my girlfriend.


- do you have a plan to "keep the train moving" during lulls in the crowd

(when you as an exhibitor may become bored), and/or when you have to address a question from the crowd, (IE the operator stops switching, the train stops moving, and the crowd gets bored and moves on...
Honestly, much as it pains me to admit it, the average show-goer general public punter has an "train's in visible motion" attention span which can more-often-than-not be measured in only 10's of seconds...)

I see your point.  However this show is more of a specialty show (it's specific to 2-rail O scale and people attend it  for that reason), so the the crowd tends to be more experienced model railroaders that you'd expected at a typical show.  I hoping to have volunteers from the crowd try their hand at the throttle (under my watchful eyes of course!).


- will you be integrating hands-off uncoupling (IE the only "job" available to the operator, whether "drafted layout operator" or "drafted passing general-public operator", will be that of combined engineer/brakeman), or will you ne rapidly training and deploying 2-man crews ("engineer" at the Raildriver controls, "brakeman" with manual uncoupling wand/magnet/skewer, working as a team)?

I use a screwdriver for uncoupling.  My plan is to allow someone else to be "engineer" while I play the role of "conductor" and "brakeman" (i.e. I'll direct them to spot a car at the appropriate location and then do the coupling/uncoupling for them).  The whole emphasis will be on slowing things down to a realistic pace.  The time required to communicate back and forth should help in that regard.


- do you have a "work schedule" that covers all of the major layout-build checkpoints posted somewhere to make sure you "meet the dealine"?

That's a great idea!  I'll keep you posted on that one...



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Punch List for Exhibition Layout

Here's the list of what needs to get done to bring the layout to an exhibition-ready state...

  • Finish the RailDriver control system.
  • Finish the locomotive.
    • Detail the shell.
    • Strip, paint, and weather.
    • Install DCC decoders and LED lighting.
  • Weather the rolling stock.
  • Scenic the layout.
    • Paint/weather the track.
    • Add gravel, grass, and line-side details.
    • Add fascia panels around the layout edges.
  • Build a layout stand to support the layout and equipment during the show.
    • Must be study.
    • Must be easy to assembly and knock down (the layout will need to be moved to a secure location each night).
    • The disassembled layout must be lie relatively flat and take less than 6' of space during transport (to fit in the back of my minivan).

I'm sure that there are things that I've missed.




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Layout Stand Idea

Tonight I was thinking about how to design the stand to hold the layout up.  The layout originally sat atop a triplet of bookcases in my old apartment.  I wanted a layout stand that would not require any permanent modifications to the layout's benchwork.  The idea I had was for a pair of L-girders to provide a horizontal surface for the layout to sit on, along with a pair of shelves front and back to hold the RailDriver and other equipment.  The framing would be built from pine 1x2s, 1x4s, and a 2'x4' board of 1/2" birch plywood.

So here's what I came up with.



Here's what the design looks like from underneath...


And here's what it looks like when it's knocked down for transportation...




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Nice 3D rendering

Is it Sketchup?


Rob Teed

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re: 3D Rendering

Hi Robteed,

It's the student version of Autodesk Maya.

- Damin.

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My First Layout Exhibition -- The Results

Well the 2013 Chicago O Scale Meet (a.k.a. the O Scale March Meet) has come and gone.  And now that I've had time to recover, I thought I'd post an update to let you all know how my first layout exhibition turned out.

But first a "before" picture to give you an idea of the status of the layout about the time I contacted the folks who run the show...
This is how the layout looked after spending the last two years stored in a closet; and how it would probably continue to look if I hadn't forced myself to "finish" it for the show.
And here's how it looked at the show...








As you can see the layout is still very much a work-in-progress.  However, I got alot of positive feedback from the crowd.  The two most frequent questions were "How did you make the fence?" (Brass tubing and Amaco wireform mesh from the local arts and crafts store), and "How big is this layout?" (two 6' sections, plus an 18" cassette for a total length of 13 1/2 feet).  Many people seemed surprised to see such a "small" layout done in O scale.

Unfortunately I plan on using the RailDriver/SPROG combination to run the train didn't work out as well as I had hoped.  The train stopped responding about half way through the first day, halting operations for a couple hours until I got a chance to run home and grab my back-up DCC system (an MRC Prodigy Express).  Sunday was better.  But even with the Prodigy, the train still stalled more often than I'd like.  Now that everything's back home I plan to do some rigorous testing, cleaning, and testing again.  I'm already thinking of adding more feeders to the rails around each of the turnouts.

Anyway, I've set myself another goal of exhibiting the layout at another show.  This time will be the Indianapolis O Scale Fall Meet in September.
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Richard Johnston

Interesting Display


Congratulations on getting it ready for display. This looks like it is an interesting display layout that is fun to switch. You said that you "finished" it, implying that you have something more in mind. What are your plans for future development: buildings, details, expansion?


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Re: Interesting Display

Thanks Dick,

The basics are in place, but I need to continue adding detail to bring up the realism to the level I have in my mind's eye.

As far as structures go, there really isn't any room for much.  I created a warehouse flat using photo-textures from Clever Models; but didn't have time to print it out and assemble it before the show.  It will go in the back, alongside the switchback siding that leads into the fenced-in area.  One of the sellers that I was chatting with at the show gave me a hydrocal kit for a well house.  The building is small, with about 3" by 4" footprint.  I'm thinking of kitbashing it into a municipal pumping station and putting it in the foreground along the track, across from the fence.  With a heavy-duty metal security door and a steel-paneled roof, I think it would look good there.  Especially with a city truck parked beside it.  These are the only two buildings that I'm planning on having on the layout, the rest is meant to be implied with actually being present.

Most of the empty space will be filled with tall grass, weeds, and brush.  I have a small stockpile of scenic materials and a new static grass applicator that I haven't tried out yet.  I'm looking forward to performing a few experiments.

As far as rolling stock goes, I want to add cut levers and airhoses to each of the freight cars.  I also want to cover them with graffiti and weathering to make them look really ratty.

I need to finish the engine.  It's intended to be Soo Line #4512, an ex-Milwaukee Road unit in patch paint (the so-called "bandit scheme").  I need to add the patches; and then apply the weathering to make it appear like it hasn't seen a drop of paint in over 20 years.  I looking forward to Mike Confalone's upcoming Extreme Diesel Weathering DVD (see  https://forum.mrhmag.com/post/extreme-diesel-weathering-12192549).

As you can see, I'm not finished yet!

Thanks again,


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Richard Johnston

RE Interesting Display


Your plans sound like you'll be busy for a while; that's all good. I like your idea of a background warehouse will help a lot. Consider adding a few three dimensional details to the flat to help fool the eye by breaking up the "flatness" of the warehouse. Things like security lights and cameras, downspouts or all weather loading doors come to mind. One of the advantages of O scale is the amount of detail that is visible.

In addition, could the front-left spur track be somehow associated with the municipal well? The void is "bothering" me. Perhaps piping for unloading hypochlorous acid (for sterilization of the water supply).  In any case, it's a great portable layout and I'm looking forward to seeing your progress, please continue to post.



It appears that you operate your layout from the front. True? Does that mean you're encouraging others to operate with you? Finally, was your display location really in the hall outside of the meeting rooms?

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 That's a neat display layout, looks like it is pretty simple to set up and interesting to run.

A full width photo or hand painted backdrop with building flats would really expand the effect.

There's lots of detail that can be added along the tracks such as drainage ditches, catch basins, manholes, water valves and meters, gas risers, telephone poles or underground vaults, electric poles or vaults, scrap ties and old rail, general trash, human,game or domestic animal trails, spilled cargo between and along the rails, railroad infrastructure like abandoned signal bases, concrete pads from old section sheds, survey monuments and lath with flagging, re-worked ballast in spots, paint on the rails for repair, graffiti, etc. A small space can still provide many hours of modeling fun....DaveBranum

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Exhibiting in the Hall

Hi Dick.

Thanks again for your comments.


Could the front-left spur track be somehow associated with the municipal well? The void is "bothering" me. Perhaps piping for unloading hypochlorous acid (for sterilization of the water supply).

The front, right-hand siding already has another "industry" associated with it.  It's hard to see from the photos; but the fascia extends upward to form the outline of a loading dock alongside the track.  The inside surface of the loading dock has a cinderblock photo-texture applied to it (it's visible in the background of the close-up of the Southern boxcar).

The kit I'm using for the pumping station is too small to represent a rail served industry.  It's just a stone shack, but it fits the empty space along the front of the layout and, with the right details, would be plausible in that location.


It appears that you operate your layout from the front. True? Does that mean you're encouraging others to operate with you? Finally, was your display location really in the hall outside of the meeting rooms?

Yes, I was put in the hallway outside the selling room.  The other non-commercial displays were arranged along the hallway as well.  The clinics and other meetings were in a different area of the hotel.  Since I didn't have an assistant during the show, I didn't get a chance to take any photos until Sunday afternoon after the show ended. By then, the hallway was pretty deserted.

As for which side I operate from, the layout originally sat on top of a row of bookcases along the wall in my old apartment.  When I added the support structure, I designed it so that the RailDriver sat literally front and center, while the PC sat on another shelf in the back.  The plan was to stand in front to answer questions and mentor people from the crowd as they operated the engine using the RailDriver.  In reality the RailDriver/SPROG combo didn't work out as well as I'd have liked, and I spent just as much time behind the layout as in front of it.  Oh well, maybe next time.



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RE: Detailing

Thanks Dave,


That's a neat display layout, looks like it is pretty simple to set up and interesting to run.

Thanks.  The setup is pretty straight forward.  However if I were to do it again, I'd design a better way of joining the two halves of the layout.  They're just bolted together.  But it requires two people to set up: one to hold the ends of layout in alignment, while the other crawls underneath with a pair of wrenches to tighten the bolts.


A full width photo or hand painted backdrop with building flats would really expand the effect.

I probably won't add a backdrop as I need access from both the front and back.  If I can come up with a bullet-proof alignment method, I'd probably go with a fully-enclosed proscenium-style design for the next layout.



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Robert Bucklew

RailDriver 64 bit


Did you find or create a dll for 64 bit.  I'm working with the AAR control stand from PI Engineering and it uses similar software as its little brother the Rail Driver. 

The file I'm missing is 

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jhidrawplugin-win_64 in java.library.path

Bob Bucklew

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MikeC in Qld

Well done Damin. I bet it was

Well done Damin. I bet it was a great experience, and I'm not surprised it's given you the taste for more.

DaveB  those are great trackside detailing ideas


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