Ken Biles Greyhart

I'm in the process of designing my layout. Along with that, I am creating a website with the intent of teaching others how to begin the process of designing and building a layout. Some of you have already clicked on the links in my signature, and thank you.

I've just put up the level two page for layout design. This is the page that connects to all the pages that will describe the topics in detail. As such, this page doesn't contain any detail, just very brief descriptions of each topic.

I've spent a lot of time here, and other places, thinking about what it takes to really design a good layout, no matter the size.

What I'd like, is for those who are interested, to take a look at the page, and tell me what I didn't put in it. What did I forget?

The page is the main planning page of the website. The link will open a new window or tab, so you won't lose your place here. The same link can also be found in my Signature on any other post.



 Ken Biles






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