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Russ Bellinis

I just read this article over.

In looking it over a couple of times I noticed that you mentioned that you ordered the booth, but I saw no mention in the article of the brand of the booth or where you ordered it from.

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I assume Amazon

With something like this:

For those who want to do something even cheaper, and/or have some spare lumber available, this guy offers a good ground-up tutorial for his spray-booth. The fan is rather expensive at $90, but it is silent.

I'll probably do something like this, but that's also because I want a second exhaust line running to my 3D printer (for printing ABS or resin).

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Andrew mcintyre

spray booth

We built our own spray booth and covered the inside with white foam core  so once it gets covered in paint you can

flip it over or replace it so its a nice white, bright area again to spray.

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