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Russ Bellinis

The artcle on modeling Suguaro cactus is great, but I would make

one caution.  Old Hollywood westerns migtht lead someone who has not lived in the Southwest to presume that suguaro's are found all over the desert.  Not so.  They grow only between 1500 and 3,000 feet (maybe 3500 feet) elevations, and as far as I know are only found in Arizona. 

They are like hardwoods in that they take years to to reach the point where they have multiple arms.  The most impressive ones are probably over 100 year old!  Don't even think of going to Arizona to dig one up and transplant it.  It is the state plant of Arizona and is a protected species with huge fines for anyone caught digging one up in the wild to transplant it to their yard.  I don'tknow for sure, but I expect if soneone in Arizona had an empty yard one week and a large suguaro planted there a week later, they would have some 'splainen to do to the local

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I do know for sure...

Call this a sidebar: 

The state of Arizona has, or had a few years ago, police that were pretty much dedicated to finding people who poached Saguaros... 

Jeff Shultz - MRH Technical Assistant
DCC Features Matrix/My blog index
Modeling a fictional GWI shortline combining three separate areas into one freelance-ish railroad.

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Saguaro cactus range

Actually, the Saguaro also grows just a little in the most eastern extremes of California right along the Arizona border. It also grows down into Mexico. You can also find the close cousin, the Organpipe cactus, in Mexico and down the Baja Peninsula.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


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I watched that video on the trackmobile and I am absolutely sure I would NOT bother to put sound in that loco,...and maybe even a few less lights,...just too tight.

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