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NCE Power Cab doesn't do DC

A little error on the first answer by Neil.  NCE's Power Cab will not run a DC loco nor has it ever been able to.  The original NCE Powerhouse Pro could but that capability was removed early on in it's production cycle - this worked by the use of a basic throttle wired into the 9 pin serial port.

The Digitrax range can run a DC loco using the '00' address however best recommendation is to disable the capability as it can cause other problems.


 Tim Shenton
Perth, Western Australia
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DCC HO Slot cars

You can also make your slot cars DCC as well. I actually used N scale DCC in HO Slot cars, so I can have moving cars that actually cross the railroad tracks. The slot cars use a box frame motor (not the disk motor) where I could isolate the motor from the pickups. The cars can now run in opposite directions, at different speeds, and everything (both cars and train) is run from the same controller. See my You Tube video

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