






Read this issue!






Please post any comments or questions you have here.

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Helpful as always, Bruce

Seeing the LokSound decoder used as an illustration prompted a question: Would that LokSound decoder fit as well as the type you show in your how-to for installing sound into a Proto 2000 Geep 9? Looks at me as if the LokSound's footprint is identical or nearly so. So with the milling of the frame that you show, Bruce, I should be good to go, I think. But I await blessing from the master. .
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Bruce Petrarca

Paul Schmidt

I believe so. Don't have the loco to compare, but the LokSound decoders are smaller than the first generation Tsunamis.

Bruce Petrarca, Mr. DCC; MMR #574

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From Lokprogrammer SW to DecoderPro

Hi Bruce,

Thanks for this excellent review.

May I add an extra feature between Lokprogrammer SW and DecoderPro: DecoderPro can import the CVs from ESU's Lokprogrammer software and inject them to the decoder. From the Lokprogrammer menu, you select Tools then export CV list as a text file, then from DecoderPro , you create your new engine with the right ESU decoder, then import the lokprogrammer CV list file.

It will save a lot of time when trying to read a full Loksound V4 decoder.


Cheers from Paris.



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Bruce Petrarca

Thanks, Alain

Or should I say, "Merci, mon ami."

I haven't had the opportunity to do a lot of work with the LokProgrammer since I sold Litchfield Station. This feature was added in the meantime.

Bruce Petrarca, Mr. DCC; MMR #574

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Avec plaisir :D

With pleasure Bruce.

I'd love to have those kind of DCC articles in the French RR magazines.

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Bruce Petrarca

Well, Alain

MRH is an INTERNATIONAL magazine available on the WORLD WIDE web?

Bruce Petrarca, Mr. DCC; MMR #574

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Loading sounds

Can I use a LokProgrammer to load sounds and CVs to a Digitrax or QSI decoder?  And vice versa?

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Dear Rock, Short answer,

Dear Rock, Short answer, no. Slightly longer answer: the lokprogramer _may_ be able to program CVs for other decoders when driven by JMRI, but cannot be used to load sounds to other brands. (When user-loading _sounds_, you are obliged to use the matching brand software and interface/programmer for the brand of decoder in question). Happy Modelling, Aim to Improve, Prof Klyzlr
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Rock The lokprogrammer, used


The lokprogrammer, used with the Lokprogrammer SW can update CVs of many brands of DCC decoders, but AFAIK cannot be used with JMRI.





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