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Not N-scale but all scale

Again an article that is not what I expect from an article made for N-scale, it's all scale and could have been any scale. Imho the N-scale colum should contain articles really special for N-scale, building decoders in N-scale engines, building craftsmen structures in N-scale, etc.  Operations or building a yard have nothing to do with a specific scale.

Don't get me wrong the article is good , but shouldn't be in an N-scale colum.

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Dave K skiloff

N scale

I model the 70s/80s era of N scale and while I would say there is obviously a lot less availability than HO scale of stuff from that era, there are still a lot of options.  While you'll often see the same kits on many layouts, there are still a fair variety of things and bashing that can be done to bring more uniqueness to the model.  I'd suggest the modern era has more variety of vehicles available than the 70s/80s era, but we both know there isn't much to work with in terms of accessory type things like vehicles.  < p>

While "build it they will come" is a nice thought, most manufacturers aren't huge conglomerates and trying something in hopes the market will accept it is a huge risk and could sink many manufacturers if it fails and that doesn't do anyone any good.  I don't begrudge any manufacturer for not taking big risks as much as I'd like them to.  < p>

As for track, I don't know what more you want.  Atlas' line of code 55 is pretty decent, ME track is excellent (what I use for all my flex track and some turnouts), and even handlaying isn't all that difficult with the right tools, such as FastTracks.  < p>

I still think N scale will become more widely used as spaces get smaller and real estate gets more expensive.  But it will never come close to replacing HO and I don't think there is anything wrong with that.

Playing around in HO and N scale since 1976

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Maybe this is a given and has

Maybe this is a given and has already been discussed somewhere. I am not sure what you actual layout room and track plan is but if the hidden staging was a double ended yard to serve both ends of the line you would be able run forever basically. You would still cut off the motive power and return. You mention the tracks bump into the wall, leading me to believe  your are kind of stuck, but if you could make a turn in the corner to the "other" end of the main line, problem is solved, I think. Anyway enjoyed the article, food for thought in any scale. Thanks! btw, behind in my reading MRH, sorry.


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